日本 北九州8日7夜懶人包 Japan North Kyushu 8-Day Trip Plan

為大家精心編製了北九州簡易行程表,參考看看吧! Prepared a simple north Kyushu trip plan for your reference!

日本 九州之旅 能古島賞花賞海享自由 Japan Kyushu Trip Endless Flowers at Nokonoshima Island

想知道能古島交通安排及遊玩路線?來看看吧! Wanna know more about transportation for Nokonoshima Island? Click and check it out!

韓國 韓櫻特輯-河東十里櫻花路.鎮海余佐川 Korea Cherry Blossom Special-Hadong Simni(10ri) Road.Jinhae Yeojwacheon

十里長的櫻花路!晚上的余佐川也太美了吧! 10 Miles of Cherry Blossom road! And what a beautiful river in Yeojwacheon at night!

日本 福岡海購城奧特萊斯 Japan Marinoa City Fukuoka Outlet

鄰近海邊的市內購物城!Seaside city outlet!

日本 札幌藻岩山之美 Japan The Beauty of Sapporo Mt. Moiwa

札幌藻岩山不愧為日本三大夜景之一!No wonder Mt. Moiwa is the top 3 night scenary in Japan!

2024年9月27日 星期五

Scam Job Interview in Canada 加拿大求職騙案頻生


伴隨搵工嘅歲月 亦愈來愈多求職陷阱 直程係搵上門 小編都疑惑咗一陣查佢 記得時刻都要保護好自己個人資料呀 
另外有間喺LinkedIn嘅sponsored member叫Outlier AI 都係scam嚟 唔好跟佢面試程序提供資料

I recently came across a suspicious job interview offer, and I wanted to share some red flags to help you avoid falling into similar traps. Here's what happened:

📧 Email: Although it was flagged as junk by Outlook, the email looked neat and official at first glance. (While Gmail did not treat it as junk, so the email was forwarded to my Outlook)

📝 Record: I keep track of my job applications, and neither the company "Celestica" nor the title "Data Analyst" matched anything I had applied for.

🔗 Channel: The email invited me to a Telegram link with a verification code for an interview, but conducting an interview via Telegram chat raised red flags.

🔍 Further Digging: I googled the hiring manager "Ms. Eileen Angulo," the sender "Richard Kings," and the company. Turns out, a LinkedIn post from a month ago confirmed that this is a scam targeting personal information. Interestingly, their scam interview was done on Microsoft Teams.

⚠️ Job scams like these are on the rise—please be cautious and protect your personal information!
#JobScam #ScamAlert #JobSearchSafety #ProtectYourself#FraudPrevention #CanadaJobs


2024年8月12日 星期一

2024英仙座流星雨 + 極光周末 Perseids + Aurora Weekend 2024


同往年一樣 臨近英仙座流星雨極大期 都有一波極光期

周末KP Index預測為5-6

另一方面 英仙座流星雨會於周日周一凌晨達至高峰
雲量尚算可以 10%上下 煙霧可能係主要問題

As in previous years, the peak of the Perseid meteor shower is once again coinciding with a wave of aurora activity. Around August 4th, there have been numerous aurora sightings, and many breathtaking photos have emerged from Vancouver and Ontario.
While the auroras might not reach the legendary levels of the May 10th event, the current displays were still impressive. Even when I was under the weather, I managed to capture stunning views (see pictures).

Looking ahead, there’s a good chance the aurora will continue to grace the skies during the meteor shower this weekend. The KP Index forecast is predicting a level of 5-6, which suggests strong auroral activity.

The Perseid meteor shower will reach its peak early Sunday morning. With cloud cover expected to be around 10%, the viewing conditions should be favorable. If you don't have any plans, it’s worth setting aside some time to enjoy this celestial double feature. The moon will be 25% full but moon set time are quite early (around 11p.m.). At peak you could see around 50-100 meteors with bare eyes, depending on your location and surroundings. Get prepared with warm clothing and deck chair.

AUG 11 11:00p.m. - AUG 12 04:00a.m.
+- 1 day is fine

Always the best: Porteau Cove / Pitt Lake
The most convenient: Spanish Banks Park, David Lam Park, Burnaby Mountain Park
Wreck Beach at UBC is a great option too.

#Vancouver #Aurora #Perseid #Meteorshower
#Canada #CanadaHongKong #Hongkonger
#StudyPermit #OpenWorkPermit #OWP

#溫哥華 #極光 #英仙座流星雨
#加拿大 #加拿大救生艇#加拿大移民 #加拿大生活 #學生簽證 #工作簽證

【加拿大】Comox Airshow 航空展 | CF18表演Top Gun G-force | RCAF Snowbirds Performance | Comox Valley | 4K


Comox Airshow喺2024年5月18日於溫哥華島Comox Valley舉行 適逢RCAF 100週年 活動係免費嘅 人亦冇想像中咁多 當日天陰陰又落雨 幸好大部份表演開始時都晴天 有包括CF18嘅Top Gun飛行表演 Snowbirds 7機合體 直升機同戰略機救援空投 同場航空展仲有大量飛機直升機 可以入埋去睇機長室 熱鬧之餘唔算太逼 今個周末8月9-11日 Abbotsford都有International Airshow 想睇戰機表演記得唔好錯過啦 The Comox Airshow took place on May 18, 2024, in Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the RCAF. This special event was free to the public, making it an even more memorable celebration. Despite an overcast and rainy start to the day, the skies cleared just in time for most of the performances, allowing spectators to enjoy the show under sunny skies. The airshow featured an impressive lineup of aerial performances, including a CF-18 attempting a Top Gun-inspired maneuver, a Snowbirds 7-plane formation, as well as helicopter and strategic aircraft rescue and airdrop demonstrations. In addition to the airborne excitement, there were plenty of aircraft and helicopters on display, with opportunities to step onto the flight deck and get up close to these incredible machines. The atmosphere was lively, yet the event wasn't overly crowded, making it a comfortable experience for all attendees. If you missed the Comox Airshow, don't worry—there's an International Airshow happening in Abbotsford this weekend, from August 9-11. If you're eager to see more thrilling fighter jet performances, this is your chance! Like, Comment, Share, Subscribe 支持小品製作 YouTube: youtube.com/@SJHK Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sjhk.travel/ Payme Support: payme.hsbc/SJHKtravel Cooperation: singblogger@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StarsJourneyHK/ Blog: https://starsjourneyhk.blogspot.com #第三十一條片 #Vancouver #vancouverisland #Comox #Airshow #CF18 #Snowbirds #Canada #CanadaHongKong #Hongkonger #Immigration #StudyPermit #PR #OpenWorkPermit #OWP #溫哥華 #溫哥華市中心 #加拿大 #加拿大救生艇 #加拿大移民 #加拿大生活 #學生簽證 #工作簽證 #航空展 #加拿大香港人


2024年7月16日 星期二

Parksville Beach Festival 2024



除咗有好過癮嘅沙雕展覽 (比賽上星期完咗啦 下年去參賽啦🤪

仲有一連串音樂表演 8月中嘅夜間沙雕亮燈活動

展覽都幾細 得一個圈 順便睇吓其他景點

Parksville Community Park本身都係沿住好靚嘅海岸線

泊車位由岸邊到公園內部都有 大過Nanaimo啲公園停車場好多

溫哥華嘅朋友可以由Horseshoe Bay搭船去Nanaimo Departure Bay

早啲搶單程船飛會有$39/$49 (1+1) 加人就加十幾蚊





Parksville Beach Festival, a summer holiday festival on Vancouver Island

Apart from the attractive sand sculpture exhibition

There will also be a series of musical performances and a nighttime sand sculpture lighting event in mid-August

Parksville Community Park itself is located along a beautiful coastline

Parking is available from the shore to the interior of the park

Just half an hour drive from Nanaimo Departure Bay

Perfect for weekend trip with sightseeing spots around 😉


#VancouverIsland #Nanaimo #Vancouver #BC #Canada #Parksville #BeachFestival #Sandsculpting #Hongkonger



2024年7月14日 星期日

【加拿大】溫哥華島野生動物康復中心 North Island Wildlife Recovery Center|Owl|Eagle|Black Bear|Parksville

去過兩次嘅North Island Wildlife Recovery Center

係溫哥華島拯救同協助野生動物康復嘅地方 裡面隨咗各種好得意嘅貓頭鷹 仲有黑熊同其他雀鳥同小動物 好多由細住到依定 已經失去咗野外求生能力 留喺Center都有另一種教育意義 令更多人 更多小朋友近距離認識大自然 多謝慷慨解囊協助營運嘅市民 同各單位嘅義工 我都報咗名做義工 但未收到回覆🤣 記得去埋5分鐘路程嘅Little Mountain Lookout呀 又易去又靚 仲唔洗行上山 點可以錯過呢個5星景點 🦉🐻 Twice enchanted by the wonders of North Island Wildlife Recovery Center in Parksville! 🌿 This sanctuary on Vancouver Island rescues and rehabilitates wildlife, housing beautiful owls, black bears, birds, and small animals. Many residents here can no longer survive in the wild, making the center a vital haven. Beyond rescue, it offers an educational experience, bringing people and children closer to nature. A huge thank you to the generous citizens and volunteers who support this noble cause. 🙏 Don't forget to visit Little Mountain Lookout, just 5 minutes away – a must-see 5-star attraction! 🌟

Timeline for Post-graduation Work Permit 2024畢業工簽(PGWP)時間線


以往爬文 慢極兩至四星期都批到
Biometric信我唔知係做乜9的 申請SP時已做 又寄一封唔關事嘅Update Confirmation

Graduation Letter一般需要向學校額外申請
而學校通常做慣做熟 有個Page直接講PGWP嘅Letter點申請
我呢間幾有效率 一日就有Email信

因為太7 漏交一份imm5707文件 補交都冇用
後來再申請已經唔係免費 同PGWP一樣要$255 有uncertainty又等得耐就索性唔整

聽朋友嘅朋友講 有Case係PR批完都未有PGWP (2022-2023)
至於PR 5月中申請完乜Update都冇🤪
有時都唔知係運之國定純粹慢 *Why not both
同埋IRCC登入愈嚟愈煩 做乜勁

#IRCC #PGWP #OWP #SP #PR #HongKongPathway #StreamA#StreamB #Hongkonger


2024年5月7日 星期二

【加拿大】繼續睇花 鬱金香花海 Lakeland Tulip Festival|Abbotsford|Flowers|4K




今次朝早7點就出發 遠征去到Abbotsford

為期大概半個月嘅Lakeland Tulip Festival

坐擁100種近5百萬朵鬱金香 可謂BC最大花海


但天雨關係 淋咗3粒鐘雨影相我都夠皮 依家要養病添😂

嚟緊都仲有牡丹花 薰衣草 太陽花

有興趣去嘅朋友搵定Carpool 哈哈哈哈


Experience the breathtaking extravaganza of the Lakeland Tulip Festival at Abbotsford, crafted by The Warmerdam Family to ignite your passion for flowers just a stone's throw away from vibrant Vancouver! Dive into a kaleidoscope of colors with over 100 varieties and a staggering 5 million tulips blanketing the farm. But wait, there's more! Extend your sensory journey with enchanting peonies, fragrant lavender, and radiant sunflowers, transforming the landscape into a floral paradise from May to September. Rain or shine, the mere one-hour drive from Vancouver promises an unforgettable escape. Immerse yourself in the festivities, tantalize your taste buds with delectable delights from food trucks, and sway to the rhythm of live music on select dates. Don't hesitate, let the allure of nature beckon you! Stop pondering, seize the moment, and embark on an adventure to remember!

For admission details and a sneak peek at their floral offerings, delve into our reels and explore the official website at lakelandflowers.ca. Your floral odyssey awaits!

Like, Comment, Share, Subscribe 支持小品製作




Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sjhk.travel/


Payme Support: payme.hsbc/SJHKtravel


Cooperation: singblogger@gmail.com


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StarsJourneyHK/


Blog: https://starsjourneyhk.blogspot.com


Lakeland Tulip Festival - Abbotsford


Experience the breathtaking extravaganza of the Lakeland Tulip Festival at Abbotsford, crafted by The Warmerdam Family to ignite your passion for flowers just a stone's throw away from vibrant Vancouver! Dive into a kaleidoscope of colors with over 100 varieties and a staggering 5 million tulips blanketing the farm. But wait, there's more! Extend your sensory journey with enchanting peonies, fragrant lavender, and radiant sunflowers, transforming the landscape into a floral paradise from May to September. Rain or shine, the mere one-hour drive from Vancouver promises an unforgettable escape. Immerse yourself in the festivities, tantalize your taste buds with delectable delights from food trucks, and sway to the rhythm of live music on select dates. Don't hesitate, let the allure of nature beckon you! Stop pondering, seize the moment, and embark on an adventure to remember!

For admission details and a sneak peek at their floral offerings, delve into our reels and explore the official website at lakelandflowers.ca. Your floral odyssey awaits!
#Lakeland #Tulip #Vancouver #abbotsford


網誌資料 Blog Summary

最後更新 Latest Update on 2024
文章總數 Total Article 60+

關於小編 About Me

您好!我是阿星,香港人,熱愛自助旅遊。近年主要到台日韓泰,均是自助旅行,亦曾往南韓交流半年。因為往往在計劃時找不到有用的資訊都會很懊惱,所以建立Blog的目的就是提供一些網絡缺乏的資訊,或將散亂的資訊結合起來,希望幫助到想自行計劃旅程的人。 此Blog同時計劃提供簡單英文版本,讓外國人也能得到資訊。將來會根據流量和意見決定建立完整翻譯版本,或提供香港旅遊資訊。 Welcome! I am Sing, a recent graduate in Hong Kong. I love travelling a lot and would like to share with you information which you can hardly find/consolidate on web. These years I travelled to Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Thailand, mostly by myself. I planned every trip and found it an enjoyable experience to get involved throughout the travel. I hope you will find my blog a good reference to your trip! In Chinese, "Sing" means "Star", so star is one of the decorations in this blog. Kindly note that English version is a only brief summary from the Chinese version. It depends on the traffic and comments to launch the full English version and provide HK tourism information.
