名叫Big Picnic 直譯就是大野餐😹
於林思齊公園舉行 好一陣子沒看過這麼熱鬧的溫哥華
David Lam Park裡的櫻花算是首輪盛開的 所以4月上旬已經開得非常亮麗
加上大會活動及現場氣氛 令整個公園都充滿活力
而且難得天氣預報曾聲稱有8成機會下雨 結果是大半天放晴☀️!
同樣很久沒看過百多位香港人在附近 前段只顧拍攝都沒認識到多少人
後段靜下來才有機會跟某幾位好好談談 看到大家都樂在其中小編也很滿足
早一天都有四處尋櫻 下段片應該會有更多櫻花
Participated in Vancouver largest cherry blossom event in David Lam Park on April 1st. The cherry blossom was likely the first round blossom in Vancouver, with pretty shapes and colors. Events and vibe inside the park were amazing and fascinating. The main purpose of my Vancouver trip was to join the Vancouver Hongkongers activity. It’s grateful to see many Hongkongers faces in another country. I sincerely wish everyone in Canada a wonderful and fruitful life thereafter. The next video is likely about the cherry blossom hunting in Vancouver. If you wish to follow my trails, please visit my IG for downtown and east Vancouver guideline.
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#StudyPermit #WorkPermit #OpenWorkPermit #OWP
#CherryBlossom #DavidLamPark #BigPicnic
#溫哥華#溫哥華市中心 #加拿大 #加拿大救生艇 #加拿大移民 #加拿大生活 #學生簽證 #工作簽證 #林思齊公園 #大野餐 #賞櫻 #香港人
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