溫哥華冬季多雨 下雪又全市停頓 氣溫隨時2星期都在零度徘徊
難得放晴就去郊遊 珍惜寶貴的日照及藍天白雲
其實這影片應該適合直播 就是很普通的閒逛日常
反正也拍了 就直接剪吧
這次來到水浸了接近一半路的Buttertubs Marsh Park
位於民居旁邊 非常適合吃飽出來走走
無法走完全程 卻有了更多探索冒險的體驗
後來也到了冰上曲棍球中心 看看學生們如何熱愛這項加拿大冬季國家運動
Rainy days spread over Vancouver’s winter. When there’s snow, the city is worse than you can expect a top-tier region would behave. In consecutive bad whether, the temperature can fluctuate around 0 degree Celsius for 2 weeks. Therefore I treasure the days when the Sun shines and warms the city. Walking in parks is more suitable for live streaming, but I filmed anyway. Buttertubs Marsh Park is a relatively small park with lake compared to others in BC. Nevertheless the habitat conservation area is a convenient spot for residents around to walk by. Later on I visited the Ice Center where teenagers played Ice Hockey contest, truly amazing to see the team work and scoring!
#Vancouver #VancouverIsland #ButtertubsMarsh
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#溫哥華 #溫哥華島 #加拿大 #加拿大救生艇 #加拿大移民 #加拿大生活 #學生簽證 #工作簽證
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